
Cubs is open to all children from the ages of 8 to 10½. Cubs meet in groups called Packs, with each Pack separated into Sixes.

4th Braintree runs three packs which meet on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 6:30pm till 8pm.

Cub Scouts take part in camps, outdoor activities, sports and crafts. This section has a focus on adventure and exploring the world around them. Weekly meets are used to prepare for exciting experiences and nights away and ultimately the Chief Scouts Silver Award.

We give Cubs #SkillsForLife. Encouraging skills such as teamwork, problem-solving, communication and responsibility.

There is a monthly subs fee for attending section nights. This covers costs like rent, activities, insurance and more.

This parents guide to Cubs contains lots more information about what we do. If you still have questions contact us and we will do our best to answer your questions.

Cubs wear a uniform consisting of a green jumper, navy blue activity trousers and a 4th Braintree Scarf.

At the age of 10½ years, Cubs move up to the final section at 4th Braintree - Scouts!